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Wissenschafts-Ecke - Gewürznelken

Science Corner - Cloves

Wissenschafts-Ecke - Gewürznelken

Science Corner - Cloves

A spice that not only enriches our culinary creations, but also offers a multitude of health benefits. Clove is a powerhouse of antioxidants, particularly in the form of phenolic compounds. These a...

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SCIENCE CORNER - Reishi mushrooms

In a world where maintaining a robust immune system has taken center stage, nature offers us countless allies. One of the most notable is the Reishi mushroom. Revered in traditional Chinese medic...

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Wissenschfts-Ecke - Walnüsse

Science corner - walnuts

Walnuts provide healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals and that's just the beginning of their health benefits. Walnuts are rich in antioxidants and contain vitamin E, melatonin and plant com...

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🌿Wissenschafts-Ecke🌱 - Muskatnuss

🌿Science Corner🌱 - Nutmeg

Nutmeg is a popular autumn spice made from the seeds of a tropical evergreen tree native to Indonesia. It has a warm, slightly nutty flavor and is often used in desserts, curries and drinks such...

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👁 WISSENSCHAFTS-ECKE 👁 - Cayenne Pfeffer

👁 SCIENCE CORNER 👁 - Cayenne pepper

The cayenne pepper is known as Capsicum annuum and belongs to the nightshade family. It is a type of chili that is moderately hot and offers health benefits because it contains capsaicin, a comp...

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🍃 Wissenschafts-Ecke - Avocados

🍃 Science Corner - Avocados

Avocados are nutritious, versatile and delicious. They have become very popular in the world of health and wellness because they are highly nutritious and have been linked to numerous health ben...

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