Weekly report from Dr. Christina Rahm - Thanksgiving
The upcoming Thanksgiving reminds me of all the things I have to be grateful for in my life. First and foremost, I am grateful to God for giving me my family and friends who support and love me unconditionally. I am also incredibly grateful for this amazing and dedicated ROOT community that has changed so many lives! I am also grateful for the countless blessings in my life - from small joys like a good cup of coffee in the morning to larger blessings like new opportunities and experiences. And I'm grateful for the chance to learn and grow, make mistakes and become a better person every day.
Gratitude helps us focus on what is good in our lives. It allows us to appreciate the positive things that have happened to us, even in difficult times. It's not just about giving back to the community, but also to yourself. Giving back makes you feel good. You feel like you're making a difference. And that's a damn good feeling!
I would like to thank the entire ROOT community once again for their commitment and work for this company and themselves. You all truly inspire me every day as we continue to change lives. Gratitude doesn't just mean saying "thank you" when someone does something for us. It's about taking the time to notice the good things in our lives and actively appreciating them. This can be appreciating loved ones, experiences, possessions, or even small everyday events. Take a moment every day to show gratitude for everything you have in your life.
At ROOT we love giving back! And once again as a reminder... The Tesla games end on November 24th and therefore participation in the raffle for a brand new Tesla Model 3. So make sure you don't miss anything. On Black Friday, November 25th, ROOT will announce the winner of the Tesla giveaway and someone will receive a new Tesla or a monthly cash bonus.
Oh, and I can't forget... ROOT has even more exciting news for everyone next week, watch out because you don't want to miss anything ;) (Note: Skincare, Coffee, Pets, Clothing)
Cheers to health and happiness with peace and love
Dr. Christina Rahm