Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt - Heavy metals
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (born 1950 in Berlin) studied medicine in Freiburg and has been working as a doctor in Seattle (USA) since 1982. He was not only interested in the appearance of the disease, but also began to research its cause. He quickly reached the limits of conventional medicine, acquired a wide range of alternative methods and over the years developed his own forms of diagnosis and therapy (autonomic regulation test, psycho-kinesiology, mental field therapies), which have since become part of medicine as the Klinghardt Method.
In 1996, Klinghardt founded the INK - Institute for Neurobiology. The Institute's task is to maintain and disseminate Klinghardt's teachings in German-speaking countries.
What are heavy metals?
Heavy metals (SM) are called heavy metals because their specific weight is heavier than that of other metals, the light metals. This group of heavy metals includes e.g: Mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, zinc, copper. The light metals: these include aluminum, titanium and some others. There are certain metals that occur naturally in us: e.g. copper is present in our red blood cells and in many enzymes. Selenium is an important metal that is found and needed in the thyroid gland, for example, zinc in the immune system, magnesium in white blood cells and in many enzymes, etc. All metals that occur naturally in us are normally referred to as trace elements.
However, all metals that should not be in us, but are in us, are often lumped together under the term heavy metals for the sake of simplicity. Although aluminum is a light metal, it is often classified as a heavy metal for linguistic reasons because it has similar toxic functions. And to go through the list, there are a few borderline metals that we still don't know whether they occur naturally in us or are in us as a sign of poisoning.
Where are we poisoning ourselves?
Heavy metals can be ingested through food. Almost all fish are contaminated with heavy metals because the sea has become an industrial waste garbage can. Especially fish that are a little more developed, such as swordfish, tuna and sharks.
The larger fish eat the smaller fish and the smaller fish eat even smaller fish and the smallest fish eat these molluscs that sniff around on the seabed.
Heavy metals are released into the atmosphere mainly by industry through the combustion process and then into our food on the fields. Titanium dioxide is a common preservative in medicines. We also absorb heavy metals such as cadmium through car exhaust.
e.g. cadmium.
Many medicines and vaccines still contain mercury.
Metals can also be absorbed through the skin, e.g. you can wear a copper ring on your arm if you have arthritis. Copper is absorbed through the skin and you can create a high enough copper level to mitigate certain forms of arthritis.
The indoor air in our homes is often significantly contaminated with pollutants such as PCP, heavy metals, lindane, formaldehyde, azo paints, pesticides and insecticides. Allergies, breathing difficulties, burning eyes, headaches and unexplained constant tiredness, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and even cancer can be the result. Indoor air pollution in homes with new interior furnishings is often up to 50 times higher than at busy road junctions.
History of amalgam
Amalgam is 150 years old and was invented in France. The first doctors who came to America and brought amalgam with them were arrested as charlatans. Amalgam was banned. But then it came to America by stealth and then there was the amalgam war, as it was called at the time. There were people who said that amalgam was good and there were people who said that people who had amalgam fitted had back pain or were in wheelchairs, some had already died and the people who didn't have amalgam were still healthy. But the pressure from the population back then was so great because amalgam was much cheaper than gold.
The most dangerous source of heavy metals is inhalation. When vaporized mercury is inhaled, 82% of the mercury is absorbed and deposited in the nervous system. If you eat the mercury, only about 7% is absorbed by the body; the rest is so tightly bound to the ingredients of the food and comes out in the stool.
If a mercury thermometer or an energy-saving lamp breaks, the mercury vapor is enough to cause serious damage of all kinds in children.
Dental amalgam is a mixture consisting of 50% liquid mercury and 50% powdered copper, silver, tin, zinc and traces of other heavy metals (palladium). This material is very inexpensive and easy to process, which is the main reason for the widespread use of this dental filling material. The heavy metals from the fillings enter the saliva through abrasion during chewing and acidic or hot food, from where they enter the bloodstream via the gastrointestinal tract.
It has been calculated that within 7 years, half of the mercury from a filling has evaporated and 80% of it remains in the nervous system. A filling can weigh 500 - 1000 mg = 1g, which is not unusual for a filling, i.e. there are 500 mg of mercury in the filling. It is calculated that the lethal dose is less than 1 mg for methylmercury. We only survive because the body has time to distribute it.
Bacteria in the mouth and intestines can convert mercury from dental fillings into methylmercury, which is 50 times more toxic than other mercury.
If an average patient with eight amalgam fillings in their mouth is measured two hours after eating with a device that can measure mercury vapor, the level is often 100 to 200 times the industry's permitted level.
Mercury (Hg)
Mercury is by far the most toxic heavy metal and is 10 times more toxic than lead and 3 times more toxic than arsenic. As we accumulate a whole cocktail of heavy metals and other chemical toxins in the course of our lives, a synergistic effect is created, i.e. the effect of the individual substance is amplified many times over.
In 1997 an epidemiological study was carried out in which 4-5 hundred year old skeletons were examined and the skeletons of the last 10 years were examined where it was found that the lead content in our bones is 500 to 1,000 times higher than it was 400 years ago.
We know what lead poisoning does. It has very serious effects on the brain, on the mental development of children, especially the development of intelligence is considerably inhibited. In the bones, lead poisoning causes a disturbance in blood formation, which can lead to leukemia, anemia, lymphoma and tumors of the hematopoietic system.
Mercury thermometer and energy-saving lamp
If the Hg thermometer or an Hg energy-saving lamp breaks, the mercury is released at room temperature and vaporizes. The vapor is tasteless, odorless and invisible.
There have been a number of deaths where children have sniffed a broken mercury thermometer and if they have inhaled enough of it, a short time or days later they have suffered kidney failure and died.
Important: Ventilate well and avoid the room.
The consequences of poisoning with heavy metals
Mercury renders some enzymes non-functional, including those responsible for detoxification.
Heavy metal poisoning in our body leads to chronic infections, including fungi, bacteria, mycoplasma and viruses. The symptoms that the patient has are often triggered by the infections. And the biggest mistake made in medicine is when the infection is treated without changing the environment by removing the heavy metals.
In the meantime, conventional medicine has confirmed that we all have an accumulation of neurotoxins. Neurotoxins are also heavy metals that have a synergistic (reinforcing) effect with other toxins.
Deposits in the body
There are so-called mercury deposits, which are deposited in the surrounding tissue or in connective tissue sites such as joint capsules, shoulder joints, jaw, knee joints and hair.
Fibromyalgia is a disease that mostly affects women. They complain of pain all over the body in the area of muscles, connective tissue and bones with mild depression and insomnia. Mercury is deposited in the layer of tissue surrounding the muscle. Dr. Klinghardt was able to completely cure all patients with fibromyalgia (over 1000) within 4 months.
Increased intake of environmental toxins
People exposed to mercury increasingly absorb other environmental toxins, because mercury prevents the cell from sealing itself off from them and allows more heavy metals, pesticides and formaldehyde to be absorbed into the cell. As a result, toxins can accumulate 30 to 100 times more in people exposed to amalgam. The toxicity of the substances themselves is increased up to 2500 times.
Sensitivity to electrosmog
Mercury and other metals act like "antennas" that increase sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation. In this context, less melatonin is released in the stressed pineal gland, or the rhythm of its release is disturbed.
Shaking palsy (Parkinson's disease)
In shaking palsy, cells of the substantia nigra (black substance) in the brain that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine are destroyed. This leads to tremors, stiffness and lack of movement as well as symptoms such as sweating, blood pressure regulation disorders and psychological changes.
Cause: poisoning, pesticides, heavy metals, medication
Mercury in the nerve cells
On the one hand, it is difficult to get mercury out of the nerve. Secondly, if these tubes are destroyed, the nerve can no longer nourish itself properly, it can no longer urinate and defecate properly. The nerve cells are also living beings that have these functions and it goes through the tubes and if they are blocked, nothing comes out and the nerve cell is poisoned by its own substances.
It also has the effect that all other toxins that enter the cell can no longer get out. Dioxin, formaldehyde and all the pesticides, insecticides, etc.
Studies on the effects of mercury
Many years ago the university in Calgary, Canada, did a study where they put mercury fillings (amalgam) in sheep. Radioactive mercury was inserted so that the sheep could later be placed in front of a camera that detects radioactivity. You could photograph them and know where the mercury was in the sheep.
Within 24 hours, the entire spinal cord was impregnated, the whole brain was full of mercury, including the adrenal glands and the endocrine glands, i.e. the ovaries or the testicles and the intestinal wall.
Today, however, we know that mercury from the fillings enters the blood and the intestinal mucosa, from where it is displaced to various parts of the body and remains there very happily for the rest of the patient's life. Mercury is a substance that is not only absorbed by nerve tissue, but also has a destructive effect on nerve tissue. These are the so-called tubulin molecules.
Renal dysfunction
In the sheep, the filtration capacity of the kidneys fell by over 55% after only 60 days. When the excretory function of the kidneys decreases, mercury contamination is often not recognized.
Damage and symptoms caused by mercury
Mercury passes easily from the fillings into our brain and other organs and causes the following damage:
- - All neurological disorders of any kind such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis (MS), sleep disorders, pain of all kinds, autism, dementia, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), migraines, fibromyalgia, dyslexia, stuttering, dystonia, dizziness, insomnia
- - Emotions: Depression, tantrums, shyness, aggressiveness, irritability
- - Learning disorders (memory impairment even in young people)
- - Eye and ear disorders, thyroid dysfunction
- - Kidney and liver damage, inflammation of the gums
- - Bone marrow diseases
- - Leukemia, tumors
- - Susceptibility to infections (intestinal fungi, herpes viruses ...)
- - Autoimmune diseases
- - Cardiac arrhythmia
- - Electrosensitivity
- - Sensory disorders
Antibiotic resistance
In conventional medicine, the biggest problem is the resistance of germs to antibiotics. Until now, it has been assumed that the only thing that makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics is antibiotics. If penicillin is given long enough, the bacteria in the organism adapt to the penicillin and are then resistant. Bacteria have a wonderful ability to communicate. When the bacteria in the organism have become resistant to penicillin, they release so-called plasmids. These are small vesicles that contain nothing but a piece of DNA or RNA that tells other bacteria in the environment how to become resistant to penicillin, in other words it contains the trick - a small vesicle with the trick. Not only that, but every time we exhale, a surge of millions of these plasmids come out into our environment. The other bacteria learn the trick very quickly.
Mercury and hormones
Boys are four times more likely to be affected by mercury poisoning because testosterone significantly increases the effect of the toxins, while oestrogen protects against them. If there is also lead exposure, there is a synergistic effect in which the effect of mercury is increased 100-fold.
Neurological disorders
The classic mistake is that blood, hair, urine and stool tests are carried out on patients with neurological disorders and heavy metals are not found anywhere. This leads to the conclusion that there are none in the body. Sick patients have much less mercury in their hair, for example, than healthy patients. This is because it is still built into the cells. Mercury can only be broken down if it is transferred from the cell into the blood and can then be stored in depots where it causes less damage. Only after mobilization with DMPS or coriander herb are these measurable in the blood and urine shortly afterwards.
Aluminum is the triggering factor for Alzheimer's and dementia.
Is used for water treatment (aluminum sulfate as a flocculant). Can be found in cosmetics, deodorants, medicines (e.g. for heartburn), vaccinations (Al. hydroxide), aluminum cans, trickle additive for salt (Al. silicate) ... Aluminum is deposited in the brain and blocks some enzymatic processes.
Heavy metals are bound by fungi and the fungal disease is a way that the organism has found to bind heavy metals in the cell wall of the fungi without them entering the brain.
Mercury during pregnancy
60% of the mother's mercury is passed on to the first-born baby in the combination of pregnancy and breastfeeding. The mother detoxifies herself via the child. Unless a few fillings were placed between births and the reservoir of heavy metals was replenished. Mercury passes through the placenta without any gaps.
Allergies in children, neurodermatitis are very often caused by the mother's heavy metals, which have been passed on to the child. Asthma in children, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease are typical heavy metal diseases.
Gold, platinum, palladium and co.
Gold fillings are not only made of gold, but are gold alloys, usually mixed with platinum, palladium, copper, silver and nickel. The average gold alloy used for a crown contains 8 - 12 different metals and 20 - 30 residues, traces of other metals. Gold is not harmless. Gold crowns and gold fillings release the metals much more slowly than the mercury filling. Therefore, there are no major problems with toxicity, but there are problems with allergies. When metals are washed into the body, i.e. slowly rubbed off the fillings, they pass through the saliva in the mouth and then into the intestine and then into the blood.
These metals then adhere to certain cells in the kidneys, liver and intestines. As soon as a metal adheres to a cell, this cell is recognized as an enemy by the body's own immune system. This function is called the hapten function. It attaches itself to the cell in the body and this cell is thus marked as an enemy by the body's own immune system.
Autoimmune diseases
The main cause of many autoimmune diseases is heavy metals, including
- - lupus
- - scleroderma
- - arthritis
- - all thyroid problems
- - migraine
- - ulcerative colitis
- - Crohn's disease
- - diabetes
These are mostly skin-related autoimmune diseases.
Implants are generally made of titanium. Titanium is an allergenic material for many people, i.e. occasionally the titanium implants are tolerated, most of the time they have late effects, so that people become increasingly allergic. After a few years, they develop autoimmune problems until they finally die as a result. In the statistics, the patient is considered a success if the tooth (implant) has held until death.
The exception is ceramic implants, which are much better and have no metal. Implants are usually inserted where an infected tooth has been extracted. The infected tooth left an infection in the bone that is always simmering away.
All information is in no way a substitute for a visit to a doctor or therapist.
The findings and recommendations come directly from Dr. Klinghardt and his many years of research and experience.
All information is without guarantee!
Various lectures by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
http://cinak.com/home.php?id=editions/zeitschrift (Journals by Dr. Klinghardt)