Health hazards in your own home
Es gibt die unterschiedlichsten Quellen für verunreinigte Innenraumluft. Dazu gehört in erster Linie der Mensch. Denn Menschen verlieren Hautschuppen und Haare und geben Viren sowie Bakterien beim Atmen ab. Aber die Verunreinigungen können ebenso aus der Natur, von der Straße, aus Möbeln, aus Baumaterialien oder aus Textilien stammen. Aber auch Putzmittel, elektronische Geräte oder gar Lufterfrischer verunreinigen die Innenraumluft.
Die Liste der Verursacher ist fast unendlich. Denn sowohl chemische Mittel als auch die Natur tragen zu einer Schadstoffbelastung bei. Das Einatmen dieser Schadstoffe belastet den menschlichen Körper und kann ernsthafte Erkrankungen nach sich ziehen. So können dadurch Allergien entstehen.
Many people are convinced that bad air lurks in cities in general and on busy roads in particular. But that is a fallacy. People breathe in bad air primarily in their own four walls, in the office, in school buildings and other indoor spaces. The air indoors is contaminated with fine dust, house dust, pollen and other pollutants.
Unlike outdoors, bad air cannot spread indoors. Therefore, it is often even more harmful to health than the outside air.
In this article you will find out more about the health consequences of bad air and what you can best do to combat the health risks

Poor indoor air quality
You probably spend a large part of your everyday life indoors. On average, people eat around 90 a day
percent indoors. However, the air indoors is often not that healthy because it is highly concentrated with pollen, dust and pollutants because the contaminated air cannot sufficiently mix with fresh air. This is especially true in the cold season.
There are gaseous and particulate air pollutants. Gaseous contaminants include volatile organic compounds, ozone, formaldehyde and odors. Particulate pollutants include pollen, fine dust, animal hair, bacteria, viruses, smoke or mold spores.
There are many different sources of contaminated indoor air. This primarily includes people. Because people lose skin flakes and hair and give off viruses and bacteria when they breathe. But the contamination can also come from nature, from the street, from furniture, from building materials or from textiles. But cleaning products, electronic devices and even air fresheners also pollute the indoor air.
The list of culprits is almost endless. Both chemical agents and nature contribute to pollution. Inhaling these pollutants puts a strain on the human body and can cause serious illnesses. This can lead to allergies.
Indoor air pollution caused by fine dust
It is obvious that there are many fine dust particles on busy roads. The risk to the health of residents living there is high. That's why there is also a discussion about the limit values. But indoors, the level of fine dust is also high. The quality of indoor air is therefore of crucial importance for health. Measurements by the Federal Environment Agency have shown that there are often even more fine dust particles in the air in apartments, houses, offices and schools than in the air on streets.
Some of the fine dust from outside gets into the interior. However, there is also an additional burden of volatile organic compounds. They are caused by fumes from paints, adhesives, cleaning products, textiles, mattresses or upholstered furniture. The combination with other air components creates fine dust particles that are harmful to health. Such
Components in the air include allergens from animal hair and house dust mites, tobacco smoke or residues from fireplaces and candle soot. When these fine dust particles enter the human body, it inevitably causes stress
Even small amounts of fine dust can cause significant damage to health. The smaller the fine dust particles are, the more dangerous they are for humans. Because these fine dust particles can settle deep in the lungs and enter the bloodstream. The health risks posed by fine dust should not be underestimated.
Fine dust, for example, promotes the following clinical pictures:
• Respiratory diseases
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Inflammation
• Diabetes
• Thrombosis
• Stroke
• neurological diseases
The problem with indoor air is that the air doesn't circulate as well indoors. There is no dilution effect like there is with outside air. This means that fine dust particles remain in place for longer, so that the fine dust concentration ultimately increases.

Health risks from pollen and house dust
The pollen season in spring and summer is a health problem for many people. The pollen causes itching, watery eyes, a stuffy nose, respiratory problems or sneezing attacks. Pollen is particularly harmful to the health of allergy sufferers.
Pollen automatically enters your own four walls from outside through windows and doors as well as through clothing. Therefore, there is a high concentration of pollen indoors in spring and summer. The problem: pollen can rarely be completely removed. Nevertheless, there are sensible measures to noticeably reduce pollen levels and thus allergic reactions.
House dust is also completely normal. It occurs in all rooms where people are. Visible house dust is completely normal in your own four walls - even if it looks unsightly and is bad for your health. House dust contains skin flakes, hair, pollen, mite droppings, minerals and plastic debris.
When cleaning, it is important that house dust is not stirred up unnecessarily. Because then there are greater health risks, especially for allergy sufferers. The goal must always be to remove as many particles as possible during cleaning. Moisture is extremely important in combating house dust so that house dust is not constantly stirred up. With a water vacuum cleaner, the house dust sucked in combines 100% with water. This dirty water is then simply disposed of.

Health risks from mold pores
Mold also causes poor indoor air quality. Ultimately, all air purification measures will not help if mold forms unnoticed somewhere indoors. In most cases, mold formation is only looked for when health problems have already occurred. But once the mold is visible as black spots on the wall, then it has been causing undetected health problems for the residents for a long time. Typical symptoms caused by mold infestation are headaches, tiredness, runny nose or reddened mucous membranes of the eyes. Mold must always be removed professionally. Proper ventilation can prevent the formation of mold because it reduces the humidity. This particularly applies to new buildings.
Typical health consequences caused by air pollutants
Indoor air pollution is barely noticeable to people. Bacteria, pollen, fine dust or volatile organic compounds are small particles and gases that float through the room almost unnoticed.
However, people notice the existence of these pollutants through complaints. Healthy people can usually cope well with short-term indoor air pollution. Things are different for allergy sufferers, small children, pregnant women, older people or people with asthma. Permanent exposure to pollutants in indoor air increases the symptoms of illnesses or even triggers them. In the long term, poor indoor air even makes previously healthy people sick. That's why it's so important to maintain and promote healthy air quality.
The health consequences of air pollutants obviously vary from person to person. They also depend on the concentration and duration of exposure to air pollutants. The higher the concentration of pollutants in the air and the longer the pollution lasts, the more complaints and damage to the human organism occur.
The mild consequences of air pollution include:
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Feelings of dizziness
• Eye redness and eye irritation
• Itchy skin
• Lung irritation
• House dust allergy
• Mucous membrane irritation
• Circulatory problems
Because air pollutants also enter the bloodstream, they can also damage organs and cause serious health risks. The serious consequences of high and long-term air pollution include:
• High blood pressure
• Thrombosis
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Heart attack
• Stroke
• Diabetes
• Respiratory diseases
• Lung cancer
• Premature birth
• mental illness
• Damage to the nervous system
Regular cleaning of the indoor air as a basis
Ventilation alone is rarely enough to clean indoor air. Because ventilation does not actually clean the room. Because it is just an exchange of air in which a small part of the indoor air is transported outside. Depending on the location of your own four walls, ventilation can even lead to greater exposure to exhaust gas residues.
Correct and regular ventilation is of course important in order to supply fresh air and reduce humidity. Dry heating air can also lead to physical problems, especially during the heating season. When vacuuming, however, you stir up unnecessary particles instead of removing them. Other measures are therefore required to purify the air.
By regularly using a water vacuum cleaner, you can achieve higher air quality in the long term. Because fine dust, animal hair, pollen or house dust are bound with water and are not stirred up unnecessarily. You remove a much larger proportion of particles per vacuum than with a standard vacuum cleaner and at the same time clean the air in the room. This is how you create healthy air quality in your rooms and can do so again
breathe deeply without hesitation.

Our recommendation: The air and room purification system from Hyla - for more air and quality of life
An air and room purification system can be a health-promoting relief not only for allergy sufferers, people with lung diseases or asthma, children, older people or pregnant women. Regular use improves air quality by demonstrably reducing the amount of house dust by 80% and creating positive living health. The strain on the respiratory tract and typical symptoms of allergies usually decrease significantly. The result is better sleep, higher performance and a more active life. If you can breathe properly again, your general well-being will improve.
Conclusion: The air and room purification system from Hyla is extremely versatile and far more than a “stiffly” normal vacuum cleaner. In our opinion, it is a miracle weapon against almost all pollutants in the household because it binds them in the water. Almost 100 percent of harmful air particles are demonstrably removed.
But that's not all. You can also use the Hyla to cool the room temperature, increase room humidity, create a stimulating climate or disinfect the indoor air. Your current vacuum cleaner certainly can't do all of this, right?
With the Hyla you can also intensively clean upholstered furniture, carpets and mattresses. With the electric brush you can remove the harmful dirt that has built up deep in the furnishings and permanently worsens the air quality. With a special attachment, the high-quality device is even suitable for cleaning windows. You may be wondering what the Hyla can't actually do.
For example, vacuuming and getting wet at the same time. This is also an easy exercise for the Hyla, just like cleaning drains with the help of an adapter.
We particularly like the high-quality workmanship and the particularly long service life. The freedom from maintenance and self-cleaning mean that you can use the Hyla efficiently and, above all, economically to improve the air quality in your own four walls. With a lifespan of 20 years, your housing costs you just around 0.35 euros per day.
If you would like to find out more about the Hyla air and room purification system, please contact us. We advise you comprehensively and individually.