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Article: Weekly report from Dr. Christina Rahm - Autoimmune diseases

Wochenbericht von Dr. Christina Rahm - Autoimmunkrankheiten

Weekly report from Dr. Christina Rahm - Autoimmune diseases

There are more than 80 new autoimmune diseases. 

Although each of them is unique, what they all have in common is that they are signs of a failure in the body's immune system. 

Each of them in some way mistakenly attacks the good cells and well-functioning processes in our body, instead of attacking the foreign cells and negative cells that must leave the body for it to be healthy and function properly. 

Some autoimmune diseases target a single organ, but most affect the entire body in different ways. While we don't know exactly why autoimmune diseases occur, we do know that certain people are at higher risk than others of developing them.  The probability of developing autoimmune diseases is almost twice as high in women as in men, especially in the childbearing years (15 to 44 years). In addition, certain autoimmune diseases tend to run in families or are more common in certain cultures. Finally, we know that environmental factors can trigger the inflammatory cascade that can initiate the onset of some of these diseases. Environmental factors include viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, heavy metals and pollution, among others. 

The symptoms of autoimmune diseases are comparatively highly individualized.  A similar condition may appear one way in one person and appear completely different in another.  Early symptoms of autoimmune problems usually include fatigue, aches, rashes, fever, stomach problems, and joint pain.  It is important to recognize this and seek professional help and/or ensure that you take personal action to address the issues related to the disruption of your immune system.  Diet, sleep and adequate exercise can help. Additionally, reducing mental and emotional stress may help relieve some of the symptoms.

As a product developer at ROOT, it was important to me to formulate products that help people of all ages and all walks of life.  Life is hard, and living that life is hard more often than it isn't.  But if we surround our lives with good things and good people, it can make our lives easier.  Surrounding our cells inside our body with good things can help the body create a happier and healthier environment inside our body.  I never claim that I can cure people or diseases.  ROOT does not claim to do this either. 

What ROOT does is make the best possible products from the best possible sources to help people give their bodies the best chance at being healthy.  When people go through a war, an illness or a divorce in life, it affects their entire life.

When you go through cancer, autoimmune diseases, or mental health issues, it affects your entire body.  Our mission at ROOT is to support our community, regardless of what is happening inside or outside of life.  Autoimmune diseases cause inflammation in the body.  One of Root's main goals is to eliminate toxins and optimize health. That's why ROOT creates products that help the body stop the inflammation that causes so many of the symptoms we experience from various diseases and conditions.

No matter what you are going through in life, ROOT is here as a community to support you.  The products are also designed to support your body as you live this life.  Whether you are vaccinated or not, whether you are sick or not, ROOT products are designed to eliminate the bad environmental factors outside your body and optimize the good things inside your body.  Again, life is hard sometimes.  But life is better when you have great things around you.  ROOT is there to do that. I pray that this gives you hope as you start your week and inspires you to be your best self because there is only one of you!

Dr. Christina Rahm

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