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Artículo: Dr. Paul Thomas: A pediatrician who investigated the truth - and lost his license


Dr. Paul Thomas: A pediatrician who investigated the truth - and lost his license

In today's world, anyone who questions the prevailing opinion on vaccinations quickly becomes the target of massive backlash. One of the most famous cases is that of Dr. Paul Thomas, an Oregon pediatrician who lost his license after analyzing ten years of patient data and finding alarming links between vaccinations and health problems in children.

What did Dr. Paul Thomas find out?

Dr. Thomas, not originally an anti-vaccinationist himself, conducted a thorough analysis of his patients' health data. He examined the differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated children in his practice. The result was clear:

👉 The more vaccinations a child had received, the worse their health was.

His analysis showed that vaccinated children had significantly higher rates of chronic diseases and developmental disorders than unvaccinated children. In particular, vaccinated children had higher rates of

  • Chronic diseases
  • More frequent infections
  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Eczema and other skin diseases
  • Allergies
  • Anemia (anemia)

Dr. Thomas explained:

"It doesn't matter what we studied ... unvaccinated children consistently had fewer health problems."

These findings contradicted the common narrative that vaccinations only bring health benefits. But instead of having an objective discussion about his findings, Dr. Thomas became the target of aggressive persecution.

License withdrawn - within five days!

Just five days after the publication of his study, the Oregon State Medical Board held an emergency meeting. The result: Dr. Paul Thomas' medical license was revoked.

The official reason? He was a "threat to public health".

But for many critics, this was nothing more than an example of how to deal with doctors who bring uncomfortable truths to light. The question remains: Why was his research not refuted, but instead Dr. Thomas was silenced?

The bigger question: What does this mean for us?

The story of Dr. Paul Thomas is more than just an isolated incident - it highlights a larger problem:

  • Why is scientific analysis not discussed objectively, but instead suppressed?
  • Why is criticism of vaccines not seen as part of a scientific discourse, but immediately dismissed as "dangerous"?
  • How many other doctors have similar findings but are afraid to publish them for fear of professional consequences?

Regardless of where you stand on the vaccination debate, an open discussion should be possible - especially when it comes to the health of our children.

But instead of providing answers, Dr. Paul Thomas was portrayed as a danger and forced out of the profession.

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